I’ve always been fascinated by ghost stories and haunted places. There’s something about the unknown that draws me in, making me eager to explore and discover. So, when I heard about the haunted spots in Chattanooga, TN, I knew I had to dive deeper.

Chattanooga, with its rich history and scenic beauty, also harbors darker tales that send shivers down your spine. From eerie mansions to historic battlefields, the city is a treasure trove for anyone intrigued by the paranormal. Join me as I embark on a spine-tingling journey through the most haunted places in Chattanooga. Trust me, it’s a trip you won’t forget.

The Legend of the Read House Hotel

One of Chattanooga’s most enthralling haunted locales is the historic Read House Hotel. This landmark, nestled in the heart of downtown, has been standing since 1926, but the site it occupies has been home to hospitality since the Civil War era. Throughout its years, the Read House has accumulated more than just antiques and memories; it’s believed to harbor spirits from its past.

My intrigue led me to room 311, the epicenter of the hotel’s ghostly tales. According to legend, a woman named Annalisa Netherly occupied this room in the early 20th century. Stories suggest she met a grisly end within these walls, either at the hands of a jealous lover or by her own solitude and despair. Visitors and staff have reported eerie occurrences like unexplained noises, sudden drops in temperature, and even the sighting of a spectral figure believed to be Annalisa herself.

Diving deeper into the lore, I learned that the hotel’s history is a tapestry of intriguing events beyond room 311. The building has seen its share of history, from the highs of the Roaring Twenties to the depths of the Great Depression, each era embedding itself into the fabric of the place. The grand architecture and opulent décor seem to whisper tales of yesteryear, with some guests reporting sightings of ghostly figures donning period attire in the ballroom and hallways.

Despite the spine-tingling nature of these stories, I couldn’t help but feel a sense of awe as I walked the same floors as countless others before me. The Read House operates not only as a window into Chattanooga’s past but as a bridge connecting the living with the echoes of those who’ve left their mark on this historic site.

Exploring the haunted aspects of the Read House offered me a unique perspective on the city’s paranormal activity. It’s stories like these that add a layer of mystery and excitement to Chattanooga, making it a must-visit for anyone drawn to the allure of the unknown. The sheer volume of reports and the consistency of the tales add a chilling credibility to the claims, urging both skeptics and believers to experience the eerie atmosphere for themselves.

As I moved on from the Read House, my curiosity only grew. The city held more secrets, and I was eager to uncover them.

The Ghosts of Union Station

While my journey through Chattanooga’s spine-chilling locales led me from the Read House Hotel into the heart of the city, I found myself drawn to the tales surrounding the remnants of Union Station. This now-defunct train depot, once a bustling hub of activity and travel, has its own storied past that teems with spectral encounters.

Originally established in the late 19th century, Union Station was Chattanooga’s gateway, connecting it with the rest of the country. Throughout its operational years, it witnessed countless reunions and farewells, embedding each emotion into its very foundation. Though the station was eventually razed in the 1970s, leaving behind only whispers of its existence, those who frequent its former location near the Chattanooga Choo Choo Hotel report eerie occurrences that suggest the past lingers on.

Local lore speaks of phantom trains that seem to pull into the station in the dead of night, their whistles cutting through the silence despite the absence of tracks. Witnesses have described hearing the bustle of what sounds like passengers disembarking, their voices a low murmur against the backdrop of the night.

Another prevalent story involves the ghost of a woman, believed to be a passenger who met her untimely demise on one of the trains. She’s often seen on the platform, her apparition glancing down at a watch, as if forever waiting for a train that will never arrive. Visitors have attempted to approach her, only for her to vanish into thin air, leaving behind a chill in the air and a story that continues to captivate.

Photographic evidence of these spectral sightings is rare, yet enthusiasts and paranormal investigators flock to the site, armed with EVP recorders and cameras, hoping to capture proof of the supernatural. Their recordings sometimes pick up unintelligible voices and sounds that hint at the station’s lively past, adding credence to the local legends.

In addition to these manifestations, there’s talk of shadowy figures seen wandering near the old tracks, only to disappear when approached. These figures, believed to be former travelers or workers of the station, add another layer to the ghostly tapestry of Union Station.

Spirits of the Walnut Street Bridge

After delving into the eerie ambiance of Union Station, I decided it was time to explore another of Chattanooga’s infamous landmarks. As someone fascinated by tales of the paranormal, the Walnut Street Bridge caught my attention not just for its historical significance, but for the ghost stories that seem to float around it like the fog that envelopes the city on a chilly morning.

Built in 1890, this bridge is one of the oldest non-military bridges of its kind in the South. It was a crucial connection for commerce and daily life until its closure to vehicular traffic in the late 20th century. Nowadays, it serves as a pedestrian bridge, offering stunning vistas of the Tennessee River. Yet, beyond its picturesque beauty and architectural marvel lies tales that would send chills down anyone’s spine.

Locals and visitors alike whisper about mysterious figures that appear to walk the length of the bridge at night, only to vanish into thin air. There’s the legend of a woman dressed in white, often seen standing alone in the middle of the bridge. She seems to be waiting for someone – or something – and when approached, she disappears without a trace.

Number of WitnessesType of ApparitionCommon Locations on Bridge
Over 50 reportsFull-bodied ghostsMid-section, North end
NumerousMisty figuresVarious points

Enthusiasts and skeptics visit the bridge armed with cameras and recording devices, hoping to capture evidence of these apparitions. Many have reported eerie sensations, sudden drops in temperature, or the feeling of being watched. It’s these experiences that fuel the speculation and stories, making the Walnut Street Bridge a must-visit spot for anyone intrigued by the paranormal.

Dark History of the Chickamauga Battlefield

As I delve deeper into Chattanooga’s eerie past, the Chickamauga Battlefield emerges as a site heavily shrouded in sorrow and unsettling tales. Known as one of the Civil War’s bloodiest battles, this ground saw immense loss and heartache. Over two days in September 1863, more than 34,000 soldiers were killed, wounded, or missing. This history has not only marked the land but seemingly trapped the souls of many who fell.

Walking through the battlefield, it’s impossible not to feel a palpable heaviness in the air. The dense fog that often blankets the fields in the early morning adds to the overall sense of mystery and unease. Perhaps it’s the knowledge of the many lives lost here, or maybe there’s something more… tangible lingering among the old cannons and markers.

Ghost Sightings and Paranormal Experiences

Visitors and paranormal investigators alike report a range of chilling encounters throughout the battlefield:

  • Shadow figures: often seen darting between trees or vanishing behind tombstones.
  • Disembodied voices: whispers of unseen conversations and cries that mimic the chaos of battle.
  • Misty apparitions: numerous accounts describe figures that appear in the mist, often in Civil War uniforms.
PhenomenaNumber of Reports
Shadow Figures75
Disembodied Voices90
Misty Apparitions60

One of the most talked-about spirits is the “Lady in White,” who is said to roam the battlefield searching for her lost love. Witnesses describe her as a sorrowful apparition that fades away when approached too closely. Her story adds a tragic love narrative to the already grim history of Chickamauga.

My journey through the battlefield at dusk was a testament to the unsettling atmosphere that hangs over this place. The air felt thicker, and the usual sounds of nature seemed muffled, as if the very land itself was holding its breath. Even though I’m usually skeptical, I couldn’t shake the feeling that I wasn’t alone, a haunting reminder of the battlefield’s war-torn past.

The Chickamauga Battlefield stands as a stark reminder of the horrors of war and the tales of those who’ve passed linger in every shadow.


Exploring Chattanooga’s haunted side was an adventure I’ll never forget. Whether you’re a believer in the paranormal or just love a good ghost story, this place has something for everyone. I left with more questions than answers, but isn’t that the beauty of exploring the unknown? If you’re ever in Chattanooga, don’t miss the chance to experience one of the city’s ghost tours for yourself. Who knows? You might have your own ghostly encounter to share.